Welcome to the new official site of the Jim Haynes Living Archives at Edinburgh Napier University!
After several years, things with Jim’s archives are finally taking shape – despite challenges and the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our big August 2020 festival launch, which would have showcased our new facility in the library and the new archive gardens at the Merchiston campus. Hopefully back next year!
For now, we are focusing on opening the doors online, and bringing as much as possible forward. It takes time, and isn’t exact, but please register with this site to be kept up to date.
If you are a “Haynesian” and enthusiast, friend, scholar, sned us a line about activities such as joining Jim’s Club — a new initiative to keep the brilliant work of these counter-culture titans alive for generations to come.
I hope you are all well, safe, happy and making things!
Big Hugs